Quarterbacking 101
Quarterback Drills
The Quarterback Stance
Top 10 Quarterback Tips
Throwing The Ball
Making and Faking the Handoff
Quarterback Fundamentals
Off-Season Training
Game Preparation
Quarterback Drills
Gripping the Football
Making Reads
Passing Techniques

Ball Handling

Grip Drop Drill: (One Minute)
Hold ball at waist level with one hand
Bring ball up 6 to 8 inches
Let go of ball completely, then regrip it.
Don't slap at ball, but squeeze it
Alternate right and left hand
Increase speed as you get better
Grip Lock Drill: (One Minute)
Hold ball at chest level with two hands
Let go with the left and swing the ball to the right
Turn palm out with thumb facing down
Lock elbow at full extension
Bring ball back to starting position
Exchange ball from left hand as fast as possible
Do the same with the left arm
Increase speed as you get better
Globetrottering: (One Minute)
Hold ball in front of body with two hands
Pass ball behind back
Pass ball between legs
Change directions
This develops sense of touch
Increase speed as you get better
Ball Isometric:
Grip ball as tightly as possible for 10 seconds
Alternate right and left hand
Repeat four times

Passing Drills

Each quarterback must throw twenty passes.
Two Knee Drill
Pair off about ten yards apart directly in line with each other, kneeling on both knees. Don't throw hard and concentrate on the target.